February Monthly Meeting: Doing Business in Mongolia?

AmCham Mongolia invites you to the FebruaryMonthly Meeting: DOING BUSINESS IN MONGOLIA?


B. Anar, Director of Investment Policy Division, Ministry of Economy and Development

V. Enkhbaatar, Director, Investment and Trade Agency

B. Altanzul, Director, Division of Visa and Permits, Immigration Agency of Mongolia

Rahn Wood, President. TDB

Chris Melville, Managing Partner of Melville Erdenedalai LLP (M&E) Law Firm

Moderator: Garry Biondo, the Chairman of AmCham Mongolia

This meeting will highlight hands-on interactions with the government and its implementing agencies with whom the investors deal on a daily basis, be that the immigration office in charge of visa and alien cards or the trade and investment agency that registers and provides services, including addressing grievances, to the investors.

We will be convening a panel with senior representatives from the government agencies and business executives to have a rather practical dialogue on the government's efforts to streamline, if any, the investors' services; the specific challenges and practical issues encountered by the investors and ways to address them; and the international practices and lessons learned elsewhere in efficiently serving the investors.

RSVP by 12 PM on Monday, February 19, to help us prepare name tags properly and it can be closed once seats are filled. Simultaneous translation is available.


9:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Registration and Coffee
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Panel discussion
11:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Q&A and new members' recognition


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Standard Price โ‚ฎ55,000